The management of Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology had declared "work of home" mode for employees even before the lockdowns by the state and central Governments were announced. The educational institutions are closed affecting academic session and activities therein impacting the students. The students should not suffer further
and the faculty members (as they are in the work from home mode) must create/provide/arrange online resource materials which can be accessed by the students from anywhere. The directives in this regard were issued by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi which were further asserted by Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand for all polytechnic colleges of Jharkhand. Therefore, Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology must come forward and all the Lecturers must submit the Adio/Video Lectures/PPT/other online resources of all the subjects of ongoing courses at the earliest so that the files can be uploaded by 28th March, 2020 on the web.
and the faculty members (as they are in the work from home mode) must create/provide/arrange online resource materials which can be accessed by the students from anywhere. The directives in this regard were issued by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi which were further asserted by Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand for all polytechnic colleges of Jharkhand. Therefore, Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology must come forward and all the Lecturers must submit the Adio/Video Lectures/PPT/other online resources of all the subjects of ongoing courses at the earliest so that the files can be uploaded by 28th March, 2020 on the web.
The situation may even be worsening in the days to come and hence the employees of XIPT must be mentally ready to take up any challenge for the country.
Here is the part of email received from the Honorable Chairman, AICTE to give you a better picture of the Government's plan to fight the coronavirus outbreak.
Greetings from All India Council for Technical Education.!
As we are all aware of the severe situation through which the entire globe is going through and Hon'ble Prime Minister has announced 21-day total national lockdown to avoid further spread of corona pandemics. We all need to support this move by being at home and arrest this totally. But despite all this, should there be a large number of new COVID-19 cases detected, the patients need to be treated in hospitals. Several suspected cases need to be quarantined. Hence this is an appeal to you to provide the classrooms of your colleges for providing safe temporary isolation centres to these people and those who are finally detected only need to be shifted to hospitals, and rest sent home.
Please treat this has Very Important & Urgent in the interest of Nation.
Let us hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Let us all do our duty sincerely and pray this hard time to phase out at the earliest.
Wishing Good Health and Stay Safe!