google-site-verification: googlec3a506c36e9476e9.html XIPT - Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Namkum, Ranchi: May 2020

AICTE's email to Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology on 15 April, 2020 concerning FB session on NEAT by Honorable Chairman, Honorable Vice Chairman, Honorable Member Secretary of AICTE on NEAT

Dear Faculty / Student / Learner,

Greetings from AICTE……

National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) is a Public-Private partnership model between the Government of India (through its implementing agency AICTE) and the Education Technology Companies of India. AICTE is playing the role of a facilitator between Ed-Tech companies and students/youth thereby enhancing their employability skills, bridging their learning gaps.

NEAT Portal is developed to bring the best technological solutions in education technology for enhancing the employability of the youth. The solutions use Artificial Intelligence for a personalized and customized learning experience for better learning outcomes and skill development in the niche areas.
We are herewith to inform you that Facebook sessions on NEAT are scheduled on 18th and 19th May 2020 (4:00 PM onwards) for more awareness among the all stakeholders.

Facebook sessions are as per below given schedule:

1. Speakers: Hon’ble Chairman, Hon’ble Vice Chairman, Hon’ble Member Secretary of AICTE, Chief Coordinating Officer (NEAT)
EdTech Partners: THG Publishing, UpGrad, Digital Future of Education, CL Educate, FACE,

Date: 18th May 2020, Monday 4:00 PM onwards
URLs of Products:
THG (STEP TRAIN) (English Proficiency):
UpGrad (Data Science with hands on learning):
Ek.class (In-classroom interactive collaboration) :
CL Educate (Certification Test using Robot Interview):
FACE(Java Full Stack on AI-powered adaptive platform):
Embibe (AI enabled Entrance Exams preparation) :

2. Speakers: Hon’ble Member Secretary of AICTE, Chief Coordinating Officer (NEAT)
EdTech partners: LetzConnect, Codetantra, English Helper
Date: 19th May 2020, Tuesday 4:00 PM onwards
URLs (Products): All three products are free during Lockdown period

LetzConnect (Virtual University) :
Codetantra(Learn Coding Interactively):
English Helper (English Language):

These sessions are available on following Facebook Pages:

We request you to join the both session and also circulate among all the students / faculty/ learners of your institute as well as to your network. Also, both sessions will available on YouTube Channel of AICTE. The URL of AICTE YouTube Channel is as follows:
It is requested to subscribe the channel and watch the various uploaded videos for the benefits of stakeholders of AICTE.
For any further details / any queries. Please write to us on

AICTE HQs, Nelson Mandela Marg
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110 070
Phone: +91 11 2958 1332

Good Luck and Stay Safe!
XIPT, Namkum
Ranchi Jharkhand

XIPT-Schedule for Online Classes for 14 April, 2020

Department of Mechanical Engineering

                     Semester 9:00 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 10:40 a.m. 11:15 a.m. - 11:55 a.m.12:00 p.m. - 12:40 p.m.2:00 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.  4:00 p.m. - 4:40 p.m.
 IV         No Class Fluid Mechanics & Machine Electrical Engineering  Theory of Machine Manufacturing Technology Thermal Engineering
 V Electronics Engineering No Class Power Engineering Automobile Engineering Metrology and Quality Control No Class

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

 Semester 9:00 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 10:40 a.m. 11:15 a.m. - 11:55 a.m. 12:15 p.m. - 12:55 p.m.
 V No Class ESDM Instrumentation System electrical Machines - 2
 IV Network Theory Power System - I Electrical Machine - I Electrical Estimation & Costing

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

 10:00 a.m. - 10:40 a.m. 1:00 p.m. - 1:40 p.m.
 Power Electronics   Digital Communication

First Year

 10:20 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 12:45 p.m. - 1:25 p.m.
 Communication Skill Engineering Chemistry

Opportunity for XIPT - students: Remote Internship for 2021 Passing out Batch only

Greetings from Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology!

You must be aware that as per the guidelines of All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi the affiliating body; Jharkhand University of Technology has already implemented Mandatory Internship Policy. Having said that the internship stands a prerequisite for the award of Diploma in Engineering. In this context, XIPT has received an email from 'Exposys Data Labs' regarding remote internship for 2021 passing out batch. The students interested for the same may contact the T&P Department. The Mail is quoted below:

Dear Candidate

Hope this email finds you well. As you must be aware that given the current uncertainty caused by COVID-19 in the in-office hiring process, the best way to find fresh talent right now is by hiring work from home interns. For this, Exposys Data Labs in association with AICTE is launching the Challo Exposys Data Labs Lets Work From Home campaign on 20 May 2020 which will exclusively feature work from home internships across all profiles.

About the campaign: Since students across India have had their in-office internships either deferred or canceled, they are now actively seeking opportunities to work from home. This campaign aims at virtually connecting the best talent of the country with companies offering such opportunities. 

What’s in it for you? This campaign will be promoted among 3 million+ students across India and thus, you are likely to get more internship visibility and applications than usual. Along with this, you can avail our ‘invite candidates’ and ‘online chat’ feature for a smooth hiring and onboarding process.

So, if you have any internship requirements for a duration of 1 week - 6 months,

Registration Link

latest by 20 May 2020.

Kindly reach out to me in case you have any questions.

P.S. - Please feel free to share this email with other HRs or colleagues in your network as well.

Stay home and stay With Internship

Exposys Data Labs

Best Wishes and Stay Safe!
XIPT, Namkum
Ranchi, Jharkhand

XIPT Employees and students must attend 'Session 11: Innovating Self- Screen and Identify right opportunities'

xipt-blog-mhrd-iic-session 11
Greeting from XIPT!

Please find details regarding the 11th IIC online session;

Innovating Self- Screen and Identify right opportunities
Prof. Sanjay Inamdar

Entrepreneur and Founder of Flucon
MIT, Harvard, and Carnegie Mellon alumni
Chairman, AICTE Startup Policy Implementation Committee

Date & Time:  
13/05/2020 at 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where to watch :
The session will be live/ premiered on the MHRD Innovation Cell Youtube channel. Please find the direct link to session:

The participation e-certificates will be issued on completion of e-assessment given at webpage:   The e-assessment link will be activated after the session is over. Before that e-assessment will not be accessible. The e-assessment shall be submitted within 4 working days of the live session.

Points to ponder: 
1. The session is open for all IIC faculty, students and other staff.
2. Non IIC institutes can also participate. 
3. There is no limit on the number of participants. 
4. Certificates will be issued by the end of June 2020
5. Session Time: 3:00 PM,13th May 2020.

Enjoy Learning and Stay Safe!
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology
Namkum, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

XIPT-Schedule for Online Classes for 12 April, 2020

Department of Mechanical Engineering

 Semester 9:00 am - 9:40 am 10:00 am  - 10:40 am 11:15 am - 11:55 am 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm 2:00 pm - 2:40 pm 3:00 pm - 3:40 pm 4:00 pm - 4:40 pm
 IV             No Class Fluid Mechanics & Machine Electrical Engineering
 Theory of Machine
 Manufacturing Technology
 No Class Thermal Engineering
 V     Electronics Engineering
  Power Engineering
 Automobile Engineering Metrology & Quality Control
 No Class No Class

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Semester 9:00 am - 9:40 am 10:00 am  - 10:40 am 11:15 am - 11:55 am 12:15 pm - 12:55 pm
 IV            Network Theory  Power System - I
 Electrical Machine 
 Electrical Estimation & Costing
 V      ESDM
 Instrumentation SystemElectrical Machine - II

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Semester 9:00 am - 9:40 am 10:00 am  - 10:40 am 11:30 am - 12:15 am
         No Class 
Power Electronics
 Digital Communication

First Year

 10:20 am  - 11:00 am 11:20 am - 12:00 pm 12:45 pm - 01:25 pm
 Communication Skill         Communication Skill     Engineering   Chemistry

Ms. Nidhi Ranjan, a student of Electronics and Communication Engineering of XIPT shares lock down experience

Greetings to All from Nidhi!

This is Ms. Nidhi Ranjan, student from the Department of Electronics and  Communication Engineering, First Year of Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology. During this lock down period, when all the educational institutions are closed, I sincerely appreciate the great initiative of our faculty members who have been regularly taking our classes through online mode. We are freely interacting with our faculty members through Zoom session access the study materials conveniently on official YouTube channel.

I heartily thank our teachers who are putting their great effort for taking online classes during which is helping us in a big way this lock down period. Everyday, we are being provided with notes, assignments, questions in Google Classroom as well as in classes. Our mentors are always available to help us. Our Principal sir is always encourages us with his motivational words. I will also like to include my teacher Manas Rajhans Choubey, Vandana Mam and Richa mam. They have helped me a lot in online classes and have cleared all my doubts personally through WhatsApp. The faculty members are very helpful for other students of my class.

I pray for everyone's safety during the lock down.

Nidhi Ranjan, Roll No. - 4
First Year
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology

XIPT - Schedule for Online Classes for 9 May, 2020

Department of Mechanical Engineering

 Semester 9:00 am - 9:40 am 10:00 am  - 10:40 am 11:15 am - 11:55 am 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm 2:00 pm - 2:40 pm 3:00 pm - 3:40 pm 4:00 pm - 4:40 pm 6:00 pm - 6:40 pm
 IV             No Class  Electrical Egineering

(Mr. Vikas Kumar Tiwari)
 Theory of Machine

(Mr. Raj Kumar)
 Manufacturing Technology

(Mr. Avtar Krishna)
 No Class No Class Fluids Mechanics & Machine

(Mr. Alvin A. Bage)
 V     Electronics Engineering
(Ms. Jemma Tigga)
  Power Engineering
(Mr. L. S. Khalkho)
 Advance Manufacturing
(Mr. Avtar Krishna)
 Metrology & Quality Control
(Mr. Raj Kumar)
 No Class No Class No Class

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Semester 9:00 am - 9:40 am 10:00 am  - 10:40 am 11:15 am - 11:55 am 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm 2:00pm-2:40pm 3:00 pm - 3:40 pm 4:00 pm - 4:40 pm                     6:00pm-6:40pm
 IV              Power System - I
(Mr. Nishant Priyadarshi)
 Electrical Machine - I

(Mr. Vikas Kumar Tiwari)
 Electrical Estimation & Costing

(Mr. Nishant Priyadarshi)
                                   No Class                                                                                      No Class No Class   No Class                                                              
 V      ESDM
(Mr. Ratnesh Kumar)
 No ClassNo ClassNo ClassNo Class No Class No Class

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Semester 9:00 am - 9:40 am 10:00 am  - 10:40 am 11:15 am - 11:55 am 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm 2:00 pm - 2:40 pm 3:00 pm - 3:40 pm 4:00 pm - 4:40 pm 6:00 pm - 6:40 pm
 IV             No Class  No Class Power Electronics

(Ms. Jemma Tigga)
 Digital Communication

(Ms. Srity Kerketta)
 Manufacturing Technology

(Mr. Avtar Krishna)
 No Class No Class  No Class)
 V     Electronics Engineering
(Ms. Jemma Tigga)
  No Class No Class No Class No Class
 No Class No Class No Class

No classes have been scheduled for First Year students on 9 May, 

Resources taken from CovidGyan (a joint initiative of TIFR, IISc and TMC) for quick reference for Faculty, learners and students of XIPT

Managing Stress While Working from Home

Video on Mental Health

GovidGyan - another learning resource launched by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Tata Memorial Centre (TMC)

Dear Employees and students,

Greetings from Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology!

You all have been updated continuously about the communication received from various agencies particularly the apex body for approval of technical courses in India, All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi. XIPT has received email from the Honourable Chairman, AICTE on 7 April, 2020 about another initiative taken by TIFR, IISc and TMC for education during COVID-19 lockdown. The mentioned email is quoted below for the necessary action by the faculty members and students. All the faculty members must take the benefit from the offered resource for their professional development and to do justice with the organisation and students during this lock down period for which we are paid.

Email from the Honourable Chairman, AICTE

Dear Sir/ Madam,
The torrent of information generated and spread from all corners of the world on Covid-19 and coronavirus has created information overload. It is a challenge to comprehend reliable information while filtering out misinformation. A multi-institutional, multi-lingual science communication initiative, called CovidGyan, has been created to deal with just this challenge. The initiative is the brainchild of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), and the Tata Memorial Centre (TMC). Other prominent partners include Vigyan Prasar, IndiaBioscience, and the Bangalore Life Science Cluster (BLiSC, which comprises InStem and C-CAMP, in addition to NCBS-TIFR). An outcome of this initiative is the launch of the CovidGyan website: Many of our scientists are contributing to this initiative with passion and professional competence. The mandate of the CovidGyan initiative is to create, curate and communicate scientifically credible and authentic COVID-19 related content and resources. The main target audience of this content is the general citizenry as well as the scientifically curious who would like to keep abreast of the developments. People from all strata of society should have access to trustworthy information in a language that they understand best, therefore CovidGyan will be making special efforts to make the resources available in as many Indian languages as possible. The topics on the website covers the science, as well as the guidance for health and well-being.

The CovidGyan website includes short informative videos, posters and infographics, FAQs, mythbusters, and articles, which are being actively translated into multiple Indian languages. We have published the resources in a Creative Commons license so that the resources can be republished in your own website and prominent links can be provided on your platforms and social media pages. You may send your suggestions and comments at The website with authentic and reliable information available in multiple languages would be very valuable for the education community - to students as well as teachers at all levels from school to the university.

AICTE requests you to take benefit of the initiative and to publicize it widely among students and faculty of your institution. For any further information, please contact Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar, Centre Director ICTS-TIFR (contact details: Copy of Letter from Director, TATA Institute of Fundamental Research is attached for your reference.


XIPT has already updated about various free online learning resources as and when received from various sources. Please grab this lock down as an opportunity to enhance your professional competencies so that you contribute to the students and organisation more efficiently.

Wishing you and your family a good health and stay safe at home!

XIPT - Schedule for Online Classes for 8 April, 2020

The schedule for online classes on 8 April will be as follows:


Happy Learning and Stay Safe!
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology 

XIPT - Schedule for online classes on 7 April, 2020

Dear Students,

Greetings from Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology!

Online Classes offered by XIPT

During the lock down period, XIPT has been conducting all the classes through online platform. As you all are home, you all are advised to attend all the classes to maintain regularity in your classes for better learning. It has been observed that some of the students are not regular for some reasons. You must inform the concerned department if you are unable to do so for official record. The faculty members of XIPT are preparing video lectures and taking regular classes which you should not miss otherwise. The assignments and tests must be taken very seriously.  As you all must have some dreams for your life for which you joined Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, you should not leave any stone unturned for chasing your dream. Hard work, discipline, integrity and perseverance will make your dream come true. As students, you must give priority to your study as you all are in the safe custody of your parents at home at the moment.

Although, this lock down period has been very challenging for all of us but has also brought some opportunities along with it. Now you have more flexibility to pursue your studies in different platform altogether, probably with more comfort staying at home - once in a lifetime experience. Some of you must be feeling stresses staying at home for so long with practically no movement. You must be missing your friends, XIPT, hostel life and so on. But don't forget, nothing is permanent on this earth  and so does COVID-19. Sooner or later, the life will return to normalcy and you will attend the classes physically with your friends. Please maintain social distancing and follow all the directives to keep yourself and your family safe from corona virus. XIPT hopes, you must be practically learning how to manage stress during such hard times.

Watch this video to get motivated

Other Online Sessions

Other than online classes offered by XIPT, you are also instructed to attend online sessions from various bodies/offices about which you have already been informed through various officials and sources. The teaching fraternity of XIPT firmly believes you will learn many things during this lock down period to make yourself nothing but smarter and stronger.

Schedule of XIPT-Online Classes for 07 April, 2020 

Happy Learning & Stay Safe

IBM Hack Challenge - 2020

Dear Faculty Members and students,

Greeting from Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology!

XIPT has received an email concerning IBM Hack Challenge 2020 and the theme for which is "Code for a Cause". All the departmental-in-charges are expected to coordinate with the faculty members and students for the needful action.
It gives me great pleasure to invite students associated with various engineering programs of AICTE affiliated colleges across the country to participate in the IBM Hack Challenge 2020. The theme for this year is "Code For A Purpose"which is relevant, given the times that we are currently in. To access event details, please click on -

Along with an interesting theme we also have:,
1) Exciting gifts for top winning teams worth Rs.25,000 per person
2) Mentorship Opportunities for project and Online Bootcamp to learn with provision of obtaining free Digital Badges and much more, details of which you will find in the emailer.
Please find attached, the Invite along with details, please forward/cascade the invite below to the students or send them the attached PDF version of the same.


Thanks and regards
Mani Madhukar, Ph.D.
Program Manager - University Relations
IBM India Pvt. Ltd.,
Twitter- @manimadhukar

Best Wishes and Stay Safe!

MHRD's Online Session on "How to Identify Right Problem and Solution using the Double Diamond Approach in Design" , 06 May, 2020

Dear Faculty Members and students,

Greetings from Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology !

Please find details regarding the IIC online session;

"How to Identify Right Problem and Solution using the Double Diamond Approach in Design

1.Prajakta Kulkarni
 Founder; Director, Nodes Pvt. Ltd, Pune
2.Sanket Inamdar
Co-founder; CEO,  Nodes Pvt. Ltd, Pune

Where to watch :
The session will be live/ premiered on the MHRD Innovation Cell Youtube channel. Please find the direct link to session :

Date & Time:  

06/05/2020 at 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM

The participation e-certificates will be issued on completion of the e-assessment. You will find the e-assessment link at      and the link will be activated after the session is over. Before that e-assessment will not be accessible. The e-assessment shall be submitted within 4 days of the live session. Assignment submission thereafter will not be considered and certificates will not be issued to late submissions. Provide authentic personal information in the google form sheet while completing the assessment.

Points to ponder: 
1. The session is open for all IIC faculty, students and other staff.
2. Non IIC institutes can also participate. 
3. There is no limit on the number of participants. 
4. Certificates will be issued by the end of June 2020
5. Session Time: 3:00 PM,6th May 2020.

Important Notes:
1. Please note that, for e-Certificate, we set criteria: it will be issued to those who will score a minimum 60% correct answer for section 2 in each e-assessment form and will attend a minimum of 10 e-sessions out of 16 planned e-sessions. 
2. Due to the prolonged lockdown period, now Q3 and Q4 are merged together. The last date to submit the report is 31st May 2020
3. This is the Q4 MIC Driven activity and IIC institutes need to submit the report on the portal.

Enjoy Learning and Stay Safe!

Introduction to Circuits

Ohm's Law

How Can We Use Voltage Divider and Resistance Bridge Circuits?