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XIPT - Schedule for online classes on 7 April, 2020

Dear Students,

Greetings from Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology!

Online Classes offered by XIPT

During the lock down period, XIPT has been conducting all the classes through online platform. As you all are home, you all are advised to attend all the classes to maintain regularity in your classes for better learning. It has been observed that some of the students are not regular for some reasons. You must inform the concerned department if you are unable to do so for official record. The faculty members of XIPT are preparing video lectures and taking regular classes which you should not miss otherwise. The assignments and tests must be taken very seriously.  As you all must have some dreams for your life for which you joined Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, you should not leave any stone unturned for chasing your dream. Hard work, discipline, integrity and perseverance will make your dream come true. As students, you must give priority to your study as you all are in the safe custody of your parents at home at the moment.

Although, this lock down period has been very challenging for all of us but has also brought some opportunities along with it. Now you have more flexibility to pursue your studies in different platform altogether, probably with more comfort staying at home - once in a lifetime experience. Some of you must be feeling stresses staying at home for so long with practically no movement. You must be missing your friends, XIPT, hostel life and so on. But don't forget, nothing is permanent on this earth  and so does COVID-19. Sooner or later, the life will return to normalcy and you will attend the classes physically with your friends. Please maintain social distancing and follow all the directives to keep yourself and your family safe from corona virus. XIPT hopes, you must be practically learning how to manage stress during such hard times.

Watch this video to get motivated

Other Online Sessions

Other than online classes offered by XIPT, you are also instructed to attend online sessions from various bodies/offices about which you have already been informed through various officials and sources. The teaching fraternity of XIPT firmly believes you will learn many things during this lock down period to make yourself nothing but smarter and stronger.

Schedule of XIPT-Online Classes for 07 April, 2020 

Happy Learning & Stay Safe