google-site-verification: googlec3a506c36e9476e9.html XIPT - Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Namkum, Ranchi: IIC Online Session 4: Role of Network Enablers in driving I&E in HEIs - A Case of TiE, India

IIC Online Session 4: Role of Network Enablers in driving I&E in HEIs - A Case of TiE, India

Dear Students and Faculty members,

Greetings from Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology!

You all must must learned many lessons from previous online sessions. In continuation to this, please find details regarding the IIC online session  4

Role of Network Enablers in driving I&E in HEIs - A Case of TiE, India

Ms. Geetika Dayal, Executive Director, TiE Delhi- NCR

Where to watch :
The session will be live/ premiered on the MHRD Innovation Cell Youtube channel. Please find the direct link to session :
Date & Time:  
01/05/2020 at 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM

The participation e-certificates will be  issued on completion of e-assessment  given at link:
The e-assessment link will be activated after the session is over. Before that e-assessment will not be accessible. The e-assessment shall be submitted within 4 days of the live session

Points to ponder: 
1. The session is open for all IIC faculty, students and other staff. 2. Non IIC institutes can also participate. 3. There is no limit on the number of participants. 4. Certificates will be issued by the end of June 2020 5.The e-assessment shall be submitted within 4 days of the commencement of live session 6.Assignment submission thereafter will not be considered and certificates will not be issued to late submissions.  
7. session Length : 30 Min

For More Information and upcoming sessions visit:

Enjoy Learning & Stay Safe!
Institute Innovation Cell
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology (XIPT)