Dear Faculty / Student / Learner,
Greetings from AICTE……
National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) is a Public-Private partnership model between the Government of India (through its implementing agency AICTE) and the Education Technology Companies of India. AICTE is playing the role of a facilitator between Ed-Tech companies and students/youth thereby enhancing their employability skills, bridging their learning gaps.
NEAT Portal is developed to bring the best technological solutions in education technology for enhancing the employability of the youth. The solutions use Artificial Intelligence for a personalized and customized learning experience for better learning outcomes and skill development in the niche areas.
We are herewith to inform you that Facebook sessions on NEAT are scheduled on 18th and 19th May 2020 (4:00 PM onwards) for more awareness among the all stakeholders.
Facebook sessions are as per below given schedule:
1. Speakers: Hon’ble Chairman, Hon’ble Vice Chairman, Hon’ble Member Secretary of AICTE, Chief Coordinating Officer (NEAT)
EdTech Partners: THG Publishing, UpGrad, Digital Future of Education, CL Educate, FACE,
Date: 18th May 2020, Monday 4:00 PM onwards
URLs of Products:
THG (STEP TRAIN) (English Proficiency):
UpGrad (Data Science with hands on learning):
Ek.class (In-classroom interactive collaboration) :
CL Educate (Certification Test using Robot Interview):
FACE(Java Full Stack on AI-powered adaptive platform):
Embibe (AI enabled Entrance Exams preparation) :
2. Speakers: Hon’ble Member Secretary of AICTE, Chief Coordinating Officer (NEAT)
EdTech partners: LetzConnect, Codetantra, English Helper
Date: 19th May 2020, Tuesday 4:00 PM onwards
URLs (Products): All three products are free during Lockdown period
LetzConnect (Virtual University) :
Codetantra(Learn Coding Interactively):
English Helper (English Language):
These sessions are available on following Facebook Pages:
We request you to join the both session and also circulate among all the students / faculty/ learners of your institute as well as to your network. Also, both sessions will available on YouTube Channel of AICTE. The URL of AICTE YouTube Channel is as follows:
It is requested to subscribe the channel and watch the various uploaded videos for the benefits of stakeholders of AICTE.
For any further details / any queries. Please write to us on
AICTE HQs, Nelson Mandela Marg
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110 070
Phone: +91 11 2958 1332
Good Luck and Stay Safe!
XIPT, Namkum
Ranchi Jharkhand