google-site-verification: googlec3a506c36e9476e9.html XIPT - Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Namkum, Ranchi: April 2020

Free Remote Summer Internship Program from SmartBridge

Dear All,

Greetings from Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology!

It is to inform you that SmartBridge Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. has launched a free remote summer internship program for the eligible students of engineering across India. Please find the details below.

Program Name: RSIP 2020 (Career Basic Plan)
Program Duration: 4 Weeks
Technology Tracks: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cloud App Development, Internet of Things (IoT) App Development
Program Structure:
2 Weeks Learning (Project-Based + Mentor Guided)
2 Weeks Project Development
Eligibility: All Engineering Students (Any Branch) and must clear the assessment with 60% of score
Registration Link:

For more information please contact:
Amarender Katkam, Founder & CEO,
SmartBridge Educational Services Pvt. Ltd.
2nd Floor, Plot No 132, Bapuji Nagar, Above DCB Bank,
Nacharam-Habsiguda Main Road, Nacharam, Hyderabad, India - 500 076
Mobile: 9849334539


Enjoy Learning & Be Safe!

Online Sessions from MHRD's Innovation Cell must be attended by the Employees and Students of Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology (XIPT)

Dear Employees and Students'

Greeting from XIPT!

Please be informed that MHRD’s Innovation Cell will be telecasting sixteen online sessions on various themes of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, IPR and Startups from 28th April onwards daily at 3.00 PM (except weekends). 

For detailed schedule plan, speaker details, and links to join the e-sessions, please visit 

The first e-session will focus on "National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP) for Students and Faculty in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)" and will be telecasted through the official YouTube channel on 28 April 2020 from 3:00 PM onwards. Please visit below mentioned link to join the session and know more about the innovation and startup policy. 

This session will be delivered by Shri Dipan Sahu, National Coordinator of NISP, ARIIA, and IIC, MHRD’s Innovation Cell. Spread the awareness about this campaign by circulating the above link and encourage the students, faculty and staff to participate in these e-sessions.

The e-certificates of participation will be given by June, 2020. For this, access the assignment link available on session page and submit to us within four working days from session telecast. Participants can also download the presentation through a link available on session page.

Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology expected its faculty, other staff members and students to watch these sessions in as many numbers as possible to get the benefit from this initiative of MHRD, Government of India.

Best Wishes and Stay Safe at home!
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology

Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE)

Greetings from XIPT!

The need of the hour is that every faculty member must be innovative and research oriented. The faculty members possessing such qualities not only help improving the quality of education but also motivate others to bring change in the society for betterment of human life. Xavier Institute  of Polytechnic and Technology has always been encouraging its faculty members for the same and you all must be aware that XIPT has already taken few assertive steps, i.e. formation of Institute Innovation Cell, MoUs with Industries for technology exposure, Institute Industry Interaction Cell etc. AICTE always encourages the institute through various collaborative approaches like Hackathon, Internship, etc.

Initiative by Ministries of Micro, Small  and Medium Enterprises

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) hsas a scheme called "Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship" (ASPIRE) with the intention to speed up entrepreneurship and promote start-ups in rural industries.  All the faulty members are must come forward with innovative ideas and try to contribute to the society in technical field. We must prove our worth and XIPT would really be happy to have each department come out with at least one innovative idea in rural technology. As per the report submitted by the departments, there is no assignment whatsoever at the departmental level during the lock down period.  This is really the high time that one team can be formed at the departmental level to work on this promptly. 

Please maintain social distancing and help the nation fight COVID-19.

Stay safe! 

Springer eBooks

Dear Employees and students,

Greeting from XIPT,

During the COVID-19 lock down period to fight coronavirus, we all are maintaining social distancing by staying at home as per the directives of Indian Government.  This is a great opportunity for people like us who are directly or indirectly associated with teaching professional to enrich our knowledge  by using various learning resources made available to us. We also need to show our loyalty and integrity towards the organization by helping the students through whatever online mode while we are working from home. 

Please find the list of Springer eBooks to benefit yourself. The institute expects that we all are seriously working for the students during this lock down period.

Please visit the link given below for details and also share among your colleagues and students:

Enjoy Learning & Be Safe!
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology

Free Webinar Series on Engineering Simulation by Ansys Inc.

Ansys, Inc. is a global public company based in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. It develops and markets multi-physics engineering simulation software for product design, testing and operation.

As all colleges and universities are closed to curb the spread of COVID-19, Ansys India in association with AICTE intend to launch Free Webinar Series on Engineering simulation covering the following topics:
• Design for Engineering Simulation
• Finite element analysis
• Computational fluid dynamics
• Low Frequency Electromagnetic simulation
• High Frequency Electromagnetic simulation
• Simulation tool for Product Designers
• Materials Engineering
• Design for Additive manufacturing

Visit the link:

Stay Safe!

NPTEL Special Lecture Series in the event of Covid-19 lockdown

The upcoming week a variety of speakers from different walks of life will be delivering lectures i.e. cricketer, VP, Doctor, Professor, Civil Servant etc. The topics that will be covered are Entrepreneurship, 5G technology, Basics of AI to Technology in Cricket and Medicine. This is really an opportunity for all of us to attend the lecture series of SWAYAM during lockdown. The schedule of the sessions is as follows:
Expert Organization Broad Area Topic Date Time Day
Sundararajan Krishnan (PK) Entrepreneurship General Entrepreneurship - what you should know before you take the plunge April 20 6:00 PM Monday
Prof. Srinivas Chakravarthy Faculty, IITM General Popularization of science April 21 6:00 PM Tuesday
Prof Vineeth Faculty, IIT Hyderabad Technology Towards Explainable AI April 22 6:00 PM Wednesday
Prof Radhakrishna Ganti Faculty, IITM Technology Overview of 5G technology and 5G testbed work at IIT Madras April 23 6:00 PM Thursday
Prof. Srinivas Chakravarthy Faculty, IITM General Bharati script April 24 6:00 PM Friday
Rakesh Goel Sr.Director, Capgemini Technology ADM – Application Development & Maintenance Services April 24 7:00 PM Friday
Yogitha Controller of Defence Accounts,South Career Civil service as a career April 25 5:00 PM Saturday
Natarajan Gautam Faculty,Texas Univ Technology Lies, damn lies and statistics: lessons on consuming and interpreting data April 25 6:30 PM Saturday
Dinesh Karthik Cricketer General Lies, damn lies and statistics: lessons on consuming and interpreting data April 26 12 noon Sunday
Ganesh Sankaralingam Director, LatentView Analytics Career Rise of AI and Machines: How to start a career in the emerging post Covid Digital World? April 26 5:00 PM/th> Sunday
Dr.Kanagavel Surgeon and Researcher, St.Isabel's hospital General Technology Transforming Medicine April 26 6:00 PM Sunday

XIPT's Faculty, Non-Teaching Staff and Students must attend MHRD's Online Sessions for IIC Calendar Activities

XIPT-Institute Innovation Cell

Greetings from Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology!

We all have been witnessing the difficulties imposed by COVID-19 in our daily life and particularly its adverse impact on education sector. We all are supposed to follow the directives issued by the Central and State Governments during the lock down period. The biggest weapon to fight COVID-19 at the moment is to maintain social distancing which we all are following. XIPT is already aware that since last one month, several initiatives have been taken by MHRD, AICTE, UGC, JUT etc. to ensure that faculty and students efficiently utilize the time and resources during lock down.

As all Higher Education Institutions are closed due to COVID-19, so is XIPT. Due to this temporary closure of XIPT, many IIC-Calendar activities stand delayed. and due to which IIC-Institutes are not able to complete the IIC calendar activities.  In times of distress the Innovation is the need of the hour and hence we have to keep moving in the direction of sustained Innovation and entrepreneurship, especially when we are a quarter away from completing our IIC calendar.

e-sessions as e-activities

Therefore, MHRD's IIC has come up with 15 e-sessions as e-activities on various themes as alternatives to physical activities of Q3 and Q4, i.e.
  • Innovation
  • Intellectual Property Right
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Startup

Please note down the important information for participating in these e-sessions.

  • No prior registration is required to attend the e-sessions and you can use your smartphone and laptop/desktop. 
  • The time slots for the e-sessions are 3.00 PM to 4.00 PM ( except Saturday and Sunday) from 21st April to 10th May 2020.
  • Enrollment is Free through clicking the WEBEX Link -
  • The link will be active for joining the sessions 15 minutes prior to the commencement of e-session.
  • Maximum 1000 numbers of Participants Can Join at a time on First cum First Serve Basis.
  • You may receive short e-Assignments during the Session and upon submission through the portal participant will receive an Participation e-Certificate.
  • Faculties, Students and non-teaching staff can join the e-sessions. 
  • All these e-Activities are scheduled as either IIC Calendar or MIC Driven Activities and will be assessed towards Score and Star Allocation to IIC-Institutes. 
  • Please note that due to prolonged lockdown period, now Q3 and Q4 are merged together.
  • Institutes are encouraged to do self driven activities during this time while abiding by government direction on COVID-19
All the Faculty, Non-teaching staff and students are expected to participate in these sessions and keep record of the proof of your participation for report generation for future use.

Stay Safe and help fight COVID-19

Free Online Courses by Tata Steel

Majority of today's youth struggle to get employment in spite of even if there huge demand of workforce. The simple reason for this contradictory situation prevailing in the job market  is unavailability of matching skill set with the youth. Many Diploma and B. Tech. Engineers face this problem and often try to match up after finishing their courses. So the concern is - What should be done by the students before even completion of the course?
While Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology is committed to ensure that the students are diagnosed about their weaknesses, area of improvement devise specific grooming strategy for different categories of student. To strengthen their technical know-how, XIPT has already signed MoUs with different companies to help the students. Unfortunately, such services doesn't come free of cost and many students miss such opportunities.
But here is a good news for all the students, alumni, staff and faculty members of XIPT. Tata Steel is offering various online courses open to all at the cheapest rate ever. All the faculty members and students must take the benefit from this offer as course fee is just Rs 1/-, yes you heard it right.

For that you need to login to
and signup with details and take on the following courses.

1) Advance Microsoft Excel
2) Basic Metallurgy
3) Basic TQM
4) Bearings
5) Bulk Material Handling
6) Compressor
7) Desulphurisation
8) Fan and Blower
9) Fuel and Combustion
10) Heat Treatment
11) Induction Motor
12) Industrial Water system
13) Industry 4.0
14)Instrument and Control System
15) Lifting Tools and Tackle
16) Limit, Fit & Tolerance
17) Machine Learning
18) Measuring instrument
19) MS Office
20) PLCs Basic
21) Power System Power Cables
22) Power System Protection
23)Power System Transmission and Distribution
24) Power Systems Earthing
25) Power Systems Generation
26) Primary Steel Making
Faculty members can share with their colleagues, subordinates and students and similarly students must share with their friends and batch mates to ensures that no one misses any valuable information specially during this lock down period.
Happy Learning and Stay Safe!

Online Study materials for First Year Students, an initiative by XIPT to fight against COVID-19

Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology offers educational resources, an initiative to fight COVID-19, to First Year students of all the branches (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering). During this lock down period, when the educational institutions are closed, the students can utilize these resources.

Semester - II (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering

Subject Code Subject Name Test Tutorial Sheets Assignment
201 Communication Skill - II Test Link Tutorial Link Assignment Link
202 Engineering Math - II Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
203 Engineering Physics - II Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
204 Engineering Chemistry - II Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
205 Programming in C Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty

Semester - I (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering

Subject Code Subject Name Test Tutorial Sheets Assignment
101 Communication Skill - I Test-1 Link
Test-2 Link
Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
102 Engineering Math - I Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
103 Engineering Physics - I Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
104 Engineering Chemistry - I Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
105 Engineering Graphics - I Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
106 Fundamental of Computers Test Series - A
Test Series - B
Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty

Online Resources for Semester V & VI, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics and Electronics & Communication Engineering students

Semester - VI Mechanical Engineering

Subject Code Subject Name Test Tutorial Sheets Assignment
601 Industrial Engineering & Management Test Link Tutorial Link Assignment Link
MEC 604 Design of Machine Elements Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
MEC 605 Industrial Fluid Power Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
MEC 606 Measurement & Automation Not submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
MEC 606 Measurement & Automation Not submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
MEC 607/608/609/610 Elective-II not submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty

Semester - VI Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Subject Code Subject Name Test Tutorial Sheets Assignment
601 Industrial Engineering & Management Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ELE 604 Utilization of Electrical Energy Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ECE 504 Power Electronics Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ELE 605/606/607 Elective - II Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ELE 608/ECE 507/ECE 511/ELE 609 Elective - IV Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty

Semester - VI Electronics and Communication Engineering

Subject Code Subject Name Test Tutorial Sheets Assignment
601 Industrial Engineering & Management Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ECE 604 Optical Fiber Communication Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ECE 605 Wireless/Mobile Communication Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ECE 606/607/CSE 611 Elective-III Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ECE 608/609/610/CSE 606 Elective-IV Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty

Semester - V Mechanical Engineering

Subject Code Subject Name Test Tutorial Sheets Assignment
MEC 503 Power Energy Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
MEC 504 Advanced Manufacturing Technology Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
MEC 505 Metrology and Quality Control Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
MEC 506 Electronics Engineering Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
MEC 507/508/509/510 Elective - I Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty

Semester - V Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Subject Code Subject Name Test Tutorial Sheets Assignment
ECE 503 Instrumentation System Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ELE 504 Electrical Machine - II Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
EEE 503 Electronics System Design & Maintenance Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ELE 506/CSE 503/ECE 505/ Elective - I Not Submitted by the concerned faculty TNot Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ELE 507/ECE 406/CSE 506/ELE 508 Elective - II Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty

Semester - V Electronics and Communication Engineering

Subject Code Subject Name Test Tutorial Sheets Assignment
ECE 503 Instrumentation System Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ECE 504 Power Electronics Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ECE 505 Programmable Logic Controller Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ECE 506 Elective-I, Embedded Systems Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty
ECE 510 Elective-II, Digital Communication Test Link Not Submitted by the concerned faculty Not Submitted by the concerned faculty

Metrology and Quality Control, Test -1 for Semester - V students

The students of Fifth Semester are requested to take the test on Metrology and Quality Control, which has been designed by Mr. Raj Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
If the test page doesn't open, you can click the link below in your mobile phone.

First Semester students must take online English Quiz - 1 by 3:00 p.m.

We all are aware that due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the educational institutions are closed not only in India but across the globe. The academic sessions, scheduled examinations and other academic activities have been badly affected. Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology (XIPT) finds student community to be the worst hit stakeholder of the academic institutions. The situation will even be worsening, if the institutions are still confined to classroom teaching. The apex bodies like All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and University Grant Commission (UGC) are also deeply concerned about the same. They are actively working to leverage the ICT resources to the students offered from different service providers through the academic institutions. Some of the paid courses and services are also offered free of cost, what could have been better than this in such difficult times. 

Therefore, it is also expected from all the employees and students that they upscale their knowledge and competencies to better equip themselves for the future challenges. We must utilize this lock down period efficiently while working for the organization from home. XIPT is also trying to make the study materials online incrementally, which you all must have witnessed during this lock down period or can be seen in this site under "Online Courses and Resources" menu if missed. 

Online Quiz

All the faculty members are working on it and will publish it in the due course of time. To take this effort a step ahead, Ms. Vandana has prepared an online quiz for English, from which the First Year students will definitely be benefited. But anyone interested may take the test as it is open for everyone.

If you don't see the Question Paper below then click here

Enjoy the Quiz and Stay Safe!


India First Leadership Talk Series

MIC (MHRD's Innovation Cell) has been encouraging the Higher Education Institutions all over India, to establish Innovation Cell popularly known as 'Institution's Innovation Council (IICs)'. Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology (XIPT) has also already established the same. The prime objective of IICs is to promote  innovation in the Institutions through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campuses.

MIC has also started India First Leadership Talk Series since last year as given below:

Episode No. Leadership Talk by Topic
1. Shri Anand Mahindra How to deal with failure
2. Shri Anand Deshpande Talk on planning for career
3. Shri Ajit Doval Art of decision making
3. Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe Future of technical education in India
3. Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal, Minister of HRD Innovation for resurgent India

To continue this Talk Series, Fifth and Sixth episodes have been planned and each will be live on 7 April 2020 and 8 April 2020 at 11:00 a.m. respectively. All the employees and students are instructed to join the same to get benefit out of it.
Episode - 6 & 7

The departments must collect the data and give it to the concerned faculty members for uploading in the web portal. You may also like to read this - 

AICTE's Directives regarding National Digital Library of India

Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology (XIPT) has received communication from AICTE concerning National Digital Library of India. All the faculty and students are requested to use the online resources provided by NDLI and efficiently utilize the lock down period.

Dear Madam/ Sir,

Greetings from All India Council for Technical Education..!!

It is to inform you that to help the student community in the difficult situation arising out of the suspension of physical classes and closure of physical libraries arising out of COVID-19 Lockdown, the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) has initiated specially designed collections of e-resources for a specific group of students.

Please visit or to access these resources free of cost.

NDLI is constantly updating these collections and features. Communication about these enhancements is being sent periodically through NDL India social networking pages. Stay tuned to these channels.

AICTE requests you to spread this information among your faculty and students to get benefited from NDLI.

Stay safe, take care of your near and dear ones and continue your study effectively during this unprecedented challenging time the entire human race is facing. Together, we shall learn, share, grow and get through this as a nation.

Best Regards,


You all are requested to follow the directives for the needful action.

Stay Safe!