google-site-verification: googlec3a506c36e9476e9.html XIPT - Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Namkum, Ranchi: Springer eBooks

Springer eBooks

Dear Employees and students,

Greeting from XIPT,

During the COVID-19 lock down period to fight coronavirus, we all are maintaining social distancing by staying at home as per the directives of Indian Government.  This is a great opportunity for people like us who are directly or indirectly associated with teaching professional to enrich our knowledge  by using various learning resources made available to us. We also need to show our loyalty and integrity towards the organization by helping the students through whatever online mode while we are working from home. 

Please find the list of Springer eBooks to benefit yourself. The institute expects that we all are seriously working for the students during this lock down period.

Please visit the link given below for details and also share among your colleagues and students:

Enjoy Learning & Be Safe!
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology