Greeting from XIPT!
For detailed schedule plan, speaker details, and links to join the e-sessions, please visit php
The first e-session will focus on "National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP) for Students and Faculty in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)" and will be telecasted through the official YouTube channel on 28 April 2020 from 3:00 PM onwards. Please visit below mentioned link to join the session and know more about the innovation and startup policy.
This session will be delivered by Shri Dipan Sahu, National Coordinator of NISP, ARIIA, and IIC, MHRD’s Innovation Cell. Spread the awareness about this campaign by circulating the above link and encourage the students, faculty and staff to participate in these e-sessions.
The e-certificates of participation will be given by June, 2020. For this, access the assignment link available on session page and submit to us within four working days from session telecast. Participants can also download the presentation through a link available on session page.
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology expected its faculty, other staff members and students to watch these sessions in as many numbers as possible to get the benefit from this initiative of MHRD, Government of India.
Best Wishes and Stay Safe at home!
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology