We all are getting the updates about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic outbreak right staying at home. Undeniably, it has literally been very devastating for almost every corner of the globe. The Indian Government as well as Government of Jharkhand have announced lock down and hope the employees of Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology (XIPT) are seriously following the directives and advisories issued by Govt. agencies including AICTE, MHRD, JUT etc. We already know that keeping social distance is the best weapon for us to fight corona virus, the directive which we must abide by all means.
There are people i.e. doctors other medical professionals who have been attending their duties days and nights courageously to help others exposing their lives to big risk. We must salute them for their concerns about humanity. So far, the employees of academic institutions have been comparatively more privileged to stay at home and spend time with family members. However, you all must also be ready if XIPT is chosen as an isolation center by the Government of Jharkhand. Given the situation, we should be ready to take up any assignment that may be given to us by the management during this "work from home" tenure due to lock down.
There was also an urgent need to ensure the availability of educational resources to the students through online platform as directed by AICTE, JUT, MHRD and Department of Higher, Technical Education and Skill Development, Government of Jharkhand. The matter and its urgency was promptly conveyed to you all for the required needful action at your end. Unfortunately, some faculty members are yet to catch up with others for preparing online resources. Those who have not yet submitted the PPT, Audio/video lectures, Sample questions with answers (tutorial sheet will not serve the purpose), Quiz of 50 MCQs of all the subjects, let us put in maximum effort while staying at home to get the job done as early as possible.
This must cover all the subjects of
1. Mechanical Engineering
2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
3. Electronics and Communication Engineering
4. First Year
Ideally, we need to get the online resources for all the semesters but First, Fourth and Fifth semesters must be given priority. As the employees of XIPT are not on vacation but in the "Work from home" mode, we must accomplish the assignments with utmost sincerity and ensure that COVID-19 doesn't stop learning for the students of XIPT. Non completion of such feasible assignments may be taken seriously by the management about our commitment as teachers. The emails from Jharkhand University of Technology (JUT) are generally marked to examination department and Avtar also, any email containing critical information demanding quick action must be shared among all the faculty members. The Departmental-in-charges or any faculty member may voluntarily come forth to get job done in such crisis.
We are really thankful to the management for being generous to the employees of Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology for paying us on 31 March 2020.
There are people i.e. doctors other medical professionals who have been attending their duties days and nights courageously to help others exposing their lives to big risk. We must salute them for their concerns about humanity. So far, the employees of academic institutions have been comparatively more privileged to stay at home and spend time with family members. However, you all must also be ready if XIPT is chosen as an isolation center by the Government of Jharkhand. Given the situation, we should be ready to take up any assignment that may be given to us by the management during this "work from home" tenure due to lock down.
There was also an urgent need to ensure the availability of educational resources to the students through online platform as directed by AICTE, JUT, MHRD and Department of Higher, Technical Education and Skill Development, Government of Jharkhand. The matter and its urgency was promptly conveyed to you all for the required needful action at your end. Unfortunately, some faculty members are yet to catch up with others for preparing online resources. Those who have not yet submitted the PPT, Audio/video lectures, Sample questions with answers (tutorial sheet will not serve the purpose), Quiz of 50 MCQs of all the subjects, let us put in maximum effort while staying at home to get the job done as early as possible.
This must cover all the subjects of
1. Mechanical Engineering
2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
3. Electronics and Communication Engineering
4. First Year
Ideally, we need to get the online resources for all the semesters but First, Fourth and Fifth semesters must be given priority. As the employees of XIPT are not on vacation but in the "Work from home" mode, we must accomplish the assignments with utmost sincerity and ensure that COVID-19 doesn't stop learning for the students of XIPT. Non completion of such feasible assignments may be taken seriously by the management about our commitment as teachers. The emails from Jharkhand University of Technology (JUT) are generally marked to examination department and Avtar also, any email containing critical information demanding quick action must be shared among all the faculty members. The Departmental-in-charges or any faculty member may voluntarily come forth to get job done in such crisis.
We are really thankful to the management for being generous to the employees of Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology for paying us on 31 March 2020.
The document received by XIPT from Jharkhand University of Technology can be accessed here for your needful action:
Stay at home and be safe!