google-site-verification: googlec3a506c36e9476e9.html XIPT - Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Namkum, Ranchi: First Semester students must take online English Quiz - 1 by 3:00 p.m.

First Semester students must take online English Quiz - 1 by 3:00 p.m.

We all are aware that due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the educational institutions are closed not only in India but across the globe. The academic sessions, scheduled examinations and other academic activities have been badly affected. Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology (XIPT) finds student community to be the worst hit stakeholder of the academic institutions. The situation will even be worsening, if the institutions are still confined to classroom teaching. The apex bodies like All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and University Grant Commission (UGC) are also deeply concerned about the same. They are actively working to leverage the ICT resources to the students offered from different service providers through the academic institutions. Some of the paid courses and services are also offered free of cost, what could have been better than this in such difficult times. 

Therefore, it is also expected from all the employees and students that they upscale their knowledge and competencies to better equip themselves for the future challenges. We must utilize this lock down period efficiently while working for the organization from home. XIPT is also trying to make the study materials online incrementally, which you all must have witnessed during this lock down period or can be seen in this site under "Online Courses and Resources" menu if missed. 

Online Quiz

All the faculty members are working on it and will publish it in the due course of time. To take this effort a step ahead, Ms. Vandana has prepared an online quiz for English, from which the First Year students will definitely be benefited. But anyone interested may take the test as it is open for everyone.

If you don't see the Question Paper below then click here

Enjoy the Quiz and Stay Safe!